Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Clean Eating with Saee

I met Saee in 2015 when I had just returned from Germany to Bangalore and was in a desperate search to find a Yoga teacher. I had many health problems, obesity being one of it and others like lack of stamina and endurance. I started attending the Yoga classes imparted by Saee and found a very nice friend in her. We bonded being the same mother-tongue speakers and our sons being same-aged often played with each other. That was the time when Saee introduced me to the concept of a whole-food-based lifestyle where she and her family had stopped consuming oil, milk products, sugar, etc. Her family consumed only whole foods like lentils, vegetables, and fruits without cooking them or frying them in oil. I couldn't imagine not eating Ghee, my favorite food, so somehow I didn't really give it a try. I became a fan and ardent follower of Intermittent Fasting and then moved to Germany again in November 2017.

I got in touch with Saee once again and was thrilled to see her new venture. She was now an entrepreneur, counseling and guiding people about clean eating and giving them some wonderful tips to eat and stay healthy without getting bored of the normal food that is available.

She has her own YouTube channel now.

Please go through the videos, like them and subscribe to her channel. Also, let your friends and family know. She can guide you through the concept of clean eating and she will help you get rid of health problems if any, through her way of eating and cooking healthy.

She also has a Facebook Page

She has shared some wonderful recipes which look so good. They are simple to make, the ingredients are easy to procure and they look so yumilicious! Do try them out and like her FB page too!

Dear Saee, I wish you lots of luck in this new venture and this is a small attempt from my side to get you a wider audience and also let the people know the inexpensive way of remaining healthy!



Mrunalini Dabke

Karlsruhe, Germany

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