"Rendezvous with Antarang"
Dr. Anagha Mitra
I am DR. Anagha Mitra an Economist and a Social Policy Planner by profession. I have done my Masters (MA) in Economics, Statistics and Mathematics from Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, MSc (Masters) in Economics and Social Policy and Planning for developing countries from the prestigious London School of Economics. And finally, a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Economics in the area of Microfinance and Institutional Economics from Savitribai Phule, Pune University. During the course of the Ph. D work I have presented two papers at the South Asia Institute of the Heidelberg University in Germany.
My doctorate thesis titled Microcredit Impact: A Household Level Analysis understands the study of Microcredit in rural parts of Maharashtra with respect to the Self-Help Group Model (SHG). The study is decided based on a baseline data of groups which have been defunct and non-defunct in the long run and I have tried to analyse the reasons why these groups are becoming defunct in the long run. Institutional Economics is a new area and discipline of economics which looks at analysing the household data with respect to the microfinance sector in the long run. I have built an econometrics model to analyse this data and understand why the groups from the self-help groups are becoming defunct. The whole research question for the doctorate is build around the Econometrics Model towards understanding the whole argument of why the Self-Group Model is disintegrating over a period of time in terms of the groups becoming defunct and closing down.
Currently, I live in India where I teach economics and econometrics and also carry out research at IISER, Pune (Indian Institute of Social Economics and Research, Pune). In past, I have worked and lived in places like London, Delhi where I was working with DFID, British Overseas Aid led programme named PACS Poorest Areas Civil Society Programme and Heidelberg, Germany where I used to travel for work at Frankfurt. In Frankfurt I was working for a Development Consulting Company named IPC (Internationale Project Consult) as a Business Development Consultant. My work spread across writing proposals, to writing expression of Interest (EOI) and documenting best practices of the various development projects and bidding for them.
Antarang Team has interviewed Anagha and here is the summery
What makes you Smile the most ?.
The way my life is going makes me smile the most. I love being with my family.
What makes you Cry ?. Adjustment makes me Cry. I hate to lead a Life on someone else’s term and decided by somebody else. I like to lead a Life on my own terms.
What little thing makes you the most grateful to be alive?
Cooking at home a simple meal for my husband and son …... a small family that I have.
On hard days, what motivates you to get up and start your day?
Me, Myself …. I keep motivating myself to do better than what I was. I compete with myself.
How do you find strength when you are going through hardships?I believe in myself and my parents who have taught me the right values and I pull on in tuff times.
What family member do you call when you have good news to share?
I call my Father, Mother and my Hubby
Who inspires you to live your best life?
Really no one.
When you have to confront someone do you choose to stand strong, or to not say anything at all?.
My mother
What person made you believe in love?My husband …. He has brought out the romantic side in me.
Do you believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason?
Yes, I do …... but only 5 % I feel people make their own choices and so things happen.
When you got your heartbroken for the first time, what got you through it?I have never had a heartbroken so far. Cause I am a very practical person.
What makes you most proud of yourself?
I was the youngest swimmer from Pune who at the age of 14 came second to the famour swimmer Anita Sood, Arjun Award Winner for a Sea Race from Sunk Rock to Gateway of India. This Sea Race I got a Silver Medal and it was a 10 km race in the Arabian Sea. I was on cloud nine when I achieved this.
When in a crisis, do you act calmly or do you automatically freak out?.
There were times when I would be calm but after being a mother and as my son is growing. I am no calmer. I freak out to watch my son do crazy things. He is not as competitive as I am and is a rather chilled young boy of 16.
What keeps you up at night?
My work and my phone ……. !!.
If there was one charity you could donate to, which would you choose?Feeding the very poor and donating books. Giving money doesn’t help.
What is the one quality you need in a significant other?
Honesty and Integrity ……. Rather rare to find nowadays
On your best days, who do you want standing next to you?
Maybe my husband
What is the one word that perfectly explains who you are?.
Innocence ………. Anagha ………… the meaning of my name !.
Where do you envision yourself in five years?. In the city of Pune …… where I was brought up ……… I love Pune !.
Through your experience and educational background as an Economist, what message would you like to give our readers / writers of Antarang ?.
As an Economist my message for all the readers would be that in Life one must follow the passion they have in them …….. in any respect the work they do. It is very important that one enjoys what he or she is doing ….. only than success can really follow !.
Team Antarag
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