Friday 24 April 2020

COVID-19 - An eye opener

This year will be remembered and marked in history. As life came to standstill when this dangerous pandemic had hit our Globe badly. While at the same time we can say it's a blessing in disguise for mother nature and also self-realization to humans as well. I am sure by now we all have been realized it. 

We, humans, have taken our mother nature for granted and completely ruined it. Have we ever thought that we all will be locked inside our house and experience this quarantine period? Never. This summer vacation will be remembered by our kids and it's great learning for future generations and to mankind itself. Treasure what we have, and start respecting and showing gratitude. Relations are getting better. We have started valuing food. In this lockdown period where we have very little accessibility to buy few required commodities, we are cooking as much required. Wasting food has been reduced.

We all have become more conscious and giving importance to stay Hygiene. Especially kids at home have become more aware of keeping themself and the surroundings clean. R does hand wash without me giving instructions. Otherwise, also he is very particular in keeping his room and his things in an organized way.  But I can see that responsibility in kids now. 

Feel so peaceful when I stand in my balcony and watch a clear blue sky,  birds creeping, no pollution, clean air, no noise. Not much or say 90% of the roads are empty. I feel nostalgic and get the feeling we are back in our 80's. No honking sounds of vehicles. In this lockdown, we have started valuing our relations with much gratitude, as being locked down inside the house without seeing family, friends our parents, we know now how much we love them and need all of them in life badly.  

I would say it's the best time for kids to learn a few life skills, to honor what they have in life, and to be in gratitude. R helps me in the kitchen, in arranging washed vessels. He waters the plants daily. R tells we cannot go out to buy flowers for the pooja if I daily water them we can use the flowers grown in our garden for the pooja. I get so amazed by his thinking. Later he does his morning prayers and his practices. plays few puzzles, attends few online classes which have been initiated by AOL to keep kids busy and creative in this lockdown time. At the same time learn few yoga asanas and breathing techniques. Few arts and crafts. Then again evening prayers and pooja with me. Have dinner at 6.45 pm and go to bed by 7.30 pm. I bet you no summer classes will teach your kids this type of life lesson. I am sure you all will agree with me. 😊

Amidst all this chaos, forwards, messages of COVID-19, which started bombarding through various means of communication. With so much negative news. Let's calm down and sit back and think what was that which was lacking in life. Rather what nature wanted from us.  Let's go within. Let's honor a few aspects in this quarantine time:-

1. Time
2. Food
3. Relationships
4. Learning
5. Discipline

I am a huge fan of Gulzar Sahab. Want to mention one of there beautiful thought which they had penned down during this current crisis.

Let's fight together in eradicating this dangerous pandemic and help each other with whatever possible ways we can. Self-isolation and social distancing is the norm. Before this also we had faced many epidemics and have come out with a solution. Here I would like to tell one short story which I came across and my heart boomed with positive sense. The story goes this way:-

During the Mahabharata war, Ashwathama was very angry when his father Dronacharya was killed in the war. He launched a terrible weapon " Narayan Astra" on the Pandava army. Nobody could retaliate. It used to fire and destroy people in whose ever hand it could find the weapon. Then Lord Krishna ordered the Pandava army to drop the weapon and keep folding hands silently.  And said do not even bring the idea of war in their mind, it will destroy them. Ultimately Narayan Astra slowly calmed down when it's time expired. In this way, the Pandava army was protected.

Everywhere the battle does not succeed. To avoid the wrath of nature, we should also leave all the work for some time, silently praying with folded hands and keeping positive with good intentions in mind to stay in one place. Let's allow, obey, and respect our doctors, government officials and health workers and stay calm indoors. Only then we all gonna survive with this havoc. This Corona will also cool down after completing its time.

Let's pray for the entire being and mankind this shall too pass. And we will win over it. Coexist with nature, else nature knows how to reclaim it. Stay at home. Stay safe.


Tejaswini Sikka

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