Friday 24 April 2020

A Lesson hopefully well learnt from Nature

Mother Nature,
She is our friend, parent, and teacher.
She cares and she gives,
but she needs time to replenish.
The world needed a break and she gave us one.
The world needed a lesson and she gave us one.

For all our actions she revealed the hidden consequences,
and we have stayed locked up, in fear, at home ever since.
Within days she tore down our systems and routines.
And what were for us once open grounds, are now breeding grounds for disease.
But she cares.
The world needed a break and she gave us one.
The world needed a lesson and she gave us one.

She showed us the power of the human touch that we once had.
But mind you, both good, and bad.
She taught us love, she taught us empathy.
She redefined for us family.
The world needed a break and she gave us one.
The world needed a lesson and she gave us one.

We neglected her, kept pushing her away.
We needed a break, and she gave us one way.
She gave us a small taste of our medicine,
and showed us how bitter it can be to take in.
But she loves us,
and didn't want to rush.
But it will all be okay.

She's healing now.
She's letting her children play in the waters.
She's letting them fly in the open sky.
And the earth which was once becoming hotter,
is slowly becoming normal in time.
Because she cares.
They needed a break and she gave them one.

They needed a win and she gave them one.


Abigail Menzel

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