Sunday 1 November 2020

"Rendezvous with Antarang"- Dr. Shilpa Chitnis Joshi

About myself

I am Dr. Shilpa Chitnis Joshi.

I have been working as consulting gynecologists' and obstetrician in Kothrud and Bavdhan in Pune since 1998.

I have specialized in infertility treatments and IVF from UK.

I am also a specialist in gynae sonographies and runs sonography clinic since 2008.

I write articles about women's health in newspapers and social media regularly. I also give health talks often.

I have recently written a book "डॉक्टर ,एक विचारू?" about women's common health and mental issues. This book is available for online delivery.


Antarang Team interviewed Dr Shilpa and here is the summary

 1. What makes you smile the most?

A. Exchanging jokes with my friends who are important part of my life.

When I make difficult diagnosis for my patient.

2. What music makes you cry?

A. Classical music and Hindi classical based movie songs bring tears to my eyes, many times due to its sheer spiritual impact.

3. What little thing makes you the most grateful to be alive?

A. The feeling that I can make difference to some extent in my patient's lives, make them feel better makes me feel grateful to be alive.

4. On hard days, what motivates you to get up and start your day?

A. The feeling that someone needs my help to get over health issues, to get pregnant, to give birth without complications makes me get up and start my day.

5. How do you find strength when you are going through hardships?

A. My husband and my kids and my friends are my strength while going through hardships. But i believe that ultimately  the strength has to come from inside 

6. What family member do you call when you have good news to share?

A. My daughter is like other part of me so I tell good news to her first.

7. Who inspires you to live your best life?

A. My husband has taught me to live good life and friends contribute a large part to it.

8. When you have to confront someone do you choose to stand strong, or to not say anything at all?

A. I always stand strong, confront the person and fight if necessary.

Avoiding confrontation  ultimately fires back on you is my opinion but at the same time choose your fights carefully. No point in wasting your energies on unnecessary conflicts.

9. What person made you believe in love?

A. My husband of course and so many novels and movies that try their best to make us believe in magic of love.

10. Do you believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason?

A. To some extent i do believe in fate but I also think that it is our actions which ultimately shape our destiny.

11. When you got your heartbroken for the first time, what got you through it?

A. My strong self esteem and positive attitude in life helped me.

12. What makes you most proud of yourself?

A. I am not a very self proud person but I feel good when my writing makes a difference in women's lives and when I can take care of their health issues.

To help heal another human being is a wonderful feeling.


13. When in a crisis, do you act calmly, or do you automatically freak out?

A. In professional crisis we have to be calm because it is vital to save patient's life.

In personal life I do tend to freak out sometimes but then control myself in a short while.


14. What keeps you up at night?

A. When I hear about incidences like gang rapes, violence against women and any gross injustice against any human being, it keeps me awake at night.

15. If there was one charity you could donate to, which would you choose?

A. I would donate to charity working for rural women and girls in India.

16. What is the one quality you need in a significant other?

A. Absolute loyalty and Integrity is the quality i need in my significant other.

17. On your best days, who do you want standing next to you?

A. On our best days actually the whole world is ready to stand with us but our family is the one who deserves that place.

18. On your hardest days, who do you want standing next to you?

A. On my hardest days ,my best friends and my family are my anchors.

19. What is the one word that perfectly explains who you are?

A. I am a fair minded, empathetic and sometimes excessively optimistic individual passionate about my work.

20. Where do you envision yourself in five years?

A. I envision myself happily working mainly for infertility patients in next five years in addition to achieving work life balance.

21. What is your message to our Antarang women readers?

A. My message to my women friends is "Girls take charge of your life and give your life the direction you want. Life is too short for regrets and excuses .Be the boss of your destiny".




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