What is intuition? Right thought at the right time. We all have Intuition. The sixth sense. We all have experienced this in our life sometime or other. Some incident occurs suddenly and we would have thought that just before a second.
How will it be if we start using this amazing sense or train our brain in such a way that we can be aware of before or avoid any such unforeseen things taking place?
Nowadays especially kids are getting bombarded with so-called technology world. They are becoming more hyper, so much competition all over in each and every field. At times due to lack of parents guidance they are not able to analyze what is good and what is bad for them.
A few months back my 5-year-old son attended a two days workshop in "Art of Living". Which is called IP course. Intuition Program. It's a half a day course age starting from 5-7 and senior-level:- 8-16. So my son was in junior batch. I had heard about this amazing program. Was badly waiting for my son to turn 5 ЁЯШД
In his summer vacation, he attended this Intuition program and after his course, I would say it has been a turning point in is life. A best summer vacation gift for him by us. He being extremely spiritual and super active in all his day to day activities. we were finding some means to channelize his energy in an appropriate way. And this course made it happen. After the course, every day is a Miracle for us. Now he has become more aware, subtle, calm there is a stillness in him now. And yes "Zero Screen Time". At home, nobody watches television until my son goes to sleep. So its my job to keep him busy from the time he gets up in the morning until he goes to bed. And trust me this habit work wonders on kids. He is still naughty, but that's how a kid should be right ЁЯШД
After the course kids should do there practice at home regularly without missing a single day for a given period of days mentioned in the course, which is thought to them during there two days workshop. And has to be continued even later as well and inculcate as a daily routine. Intuition process kindles the sensitivity in childrens where they are able to understand others intuitively. Kids with regular practice can read, write, identify pictures, shapes, through blindfolded. They are able to download different languages which they have never even heard about it or seen. which is not even seen or written in recent times. Even R does it at home after his practice. And I keep getting shocked in every blind bold of his. Thinking how ??ЁЯШД But these kids are chosen by the master. (Guruji). And they getting knowledge from there Guru. And we as parents are blessed with having kids like them in life.
With regular practice, kids become so intuitive that they will be able to understand what is right and wrong for them. We have listened to stories where kids have saved lives. People have got there stolen things back. Kids with just closing eyes and identifying things like GPS. This is the power of this course. It is also a boon for physically challenged and kids with zero vision. The results after this course are just unbelievable and magical. Children's who are born blind by birth are able to name the Colors, shape's, identify pictures, languages, which they have not even seen. Our body works with signals given by our brain right? This amazing process trains our brain to think correct, act before, and stay safe.
This Intuition Program is designed by my beloved master - Sri Sri Ravishankar (Guruji) we call them out of love. This course has been conducted across the globe by AOL teacher's 365 days. This program acts as a revolution in the education system. Kids excelling unimaginable after being part of this Intuition Program.
This course empowers your child with:-
• Sharpened perception and intuition.
• More clarity in mind and awareness.
• Improve learning and leadership skills.
• Freedom from fear of unknown.
Every child should be gifted by this amazing knowledge.
Right now leading life in total bliss. With everyday miracles, surprises. Life has become magical and happier. Thanking our beloved Gurudev, for choosing our kid and giving this knowledge.
Jai Gurudev ЁЯТХ
Tejaswini Sikka
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