Thursday, 11 April 2019


Why does Past bother us? Because we let it do so. Some people including me, constantly visit past and stay there making it their permanent home. Of course, we are regaled with memories, emotions and find it hard to step out of that "home". What is past anyway? It is something that has already happened in your life and which is now just a memory involving people, events, objects, etc. I will be personifying past and hereon I will be referring to it as a host who lives in a house. So, who are these various hosts who want to welcome you and are often beguiling? Let’s consider some of them.

Our first host is called Iwillmakeyoufeelguiltymemory. You enter their home with fear. You feel spineless. In their home, you will see how you have wronged people or let yourself down in a situation. Just listen to what this host is telling you, say sorry and step out feeling light. Vow to yourself that you will be a better person and avoid to visit this house again.

Our second host is Iamyourwonderfulmemory. You enter their house feeling quite upbeat. You feel really welcome there. Enjoy their hospitality, assimilate all the happy memories say thank you and step out. You have learned or know the technique to create these wonderful and happy memories. Be proud of your achievement and vow to yourself that you will continue the good work so you can visit this house again.

Our third host is Iwillmakeyouangrymemory. You enter their house seeking revenge about something or someone who has been unjust to you or your loved one. Here you can see the people, events, and situations that justify the cause of your anger. You feel like screaming and wishing they were punished. Why should you take the burden of plotting revenge and punishing them? They are going to get punished eventually if they haven't been already. Don't wait for this to happen though, move on. Step out of this house being mindful of who have wronged you and plan what your response should be in dealing with these people. Do not let such people dictate your behavior and do not react. In short, do not give them any more power. You are the master so that you can plan, prepare and give an appropriate response when the situation demands.

Please bear in mind, that in this context I am not referring to people who have committed heinous crimes or barbaric deeds. Those people are inhuman and have to be severely punished and that path or process is very different.

To summarise, visit these hosts for a short stay and say goodbye to them. Do not dwell in their houses permanently as that’s not where you are meant to be. Accept the events that have been unfolded along with the disappointments and the joys, but do not let these overpower you. You have a lot of things to do, responsibilities to fulfill and many things to achieve in the present and the future. 


Soniya Dawle

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