Saturday, 1 February 2020

The psychodynamics of diseases!!

The psychodynamics of diseases!!

We are all aware of the fact that there is mind and body relationship pertaining to any phenomenon of a human, otherwise how would an Anger cause red face, shock cause pale face and fear cause blue face!! A very few would agree to the fact that every disease which an individual suffers from have their roots originating from their thought process per say!!!
      A very famous and best selling international author LOUIS HAY has witnessed this very relationship between mind and body and took us through a journey of how she came out of the dreadful disease CA CERVIX, in her book YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE.
 Louis hay was a victim of cervical cancer and all the doctors actually gave up on treating her for the ailment..Then began her discovery of self healing where she actually tried to introspect and reflect upon her thoughts as to what set of thoughts must have been responsible for developing this dreadful disease!! To her surprise she found that there was an underlying feeling of GUILT of some sort that led to this condition!!!
   She began to evaluate and analyse her thought process and over a period of time could actually reverse the carcinomatous condition by bringing CHANGES IN HER THINKING PATTERNS and completely got cured of her cancer!!
   Likewise each disease a man succumbs to has a thought pattern in his background that ultimately leads to certain type of diseases...every body part is a ceat of emotion...disturbance at that emotion causes a disease pertaining to that quote an example, Abdomen is the ceat of fears and anxieties...We all must have definitely suffered from an ANXIETY DIARRHEA before attending an important meeting or an appointment!! A person who is highly burdened with responsibilities of the family suffers from a shoulder pain,(shouldering the responsibility) being the cause behind!
    Needless to say, Homoepathy is one such science, which deals with the psychological factors causing the diseases, and aims at treating the pyche leading to the time you go to a Homoepathic consultant for an ailment, and if he asks you any emotional history as a part of case taking, don't get surprised and be patient in giving your complete history and thereby helping him do his job!!


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