Thursday, 28 February 2019

Know thyself

The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. "

Today, when we are living in a global village we have to deal with people of different region, culture, language, and religion. To understand them first we have to understand your own self. It is said that "He who does not know himself does not know others. "

Therefore you need to discover yourself, the true person within you, your true identity and not what others perceive you to be. This is because your personality is made up of many facets that you can pick up and reflect from your experiences. Sometimes they are strong and cover the real you.

Thus by knowing yourself, you will know your Strengths and Weaknesses which further help you in strengthening your strengths and weakening your weaknesses. This is important in all stages of life and a pre-requisite in Personality development. This is because Self-knowledge is the beginning of Self-improvement.
Knowing yourself helps in controlling your emotions, reaching your goals, reaching better decisions, in improving relationships, in realizing and improving your full potential and ultimately in experiencing happiness and joy.

Knowing yourself is a life-long process. For that, you need to remove all the multiple personalities that you can put on for different people and at different times. You thus need to get down to the core of your essence and then need to get rid of your own false images and delusions.

You can do this through various ways like maintaining a personal diary, developing hobbies or new interests, meditation, exercise, etc.

If you want to develop a better personality and succeed in life the first step is to be able to know yourself.


Ashwini Deshpande,

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