Friday, 1 November 2019

Soul Connect

Many times we all have come across this big word. People keep talking about the soulmate concept.  For example - Soul mates, Soul sister, etc. Even I think, at times, does this concept really exist. YES, it is. I am sure we all have come across this phenomenon. When we meet somebody, at times we immediately get so well connected to each other as if we know them from ages. I have experienced this many times.

Let's put some more light into it. I had read that there are mainly four types of soul mates, we encounter in our life. Not necessarily that all soulmate relationships that you encounter have to be romantic in nature. Some enter your life to teach us, to heal, to forgive. These will help us to grow in more ways than one. Here you go with 4  types of soulmates - 

1.  Healing Soulmates -
We have many people who inspire in there own way. From friends to colleagues. Some people come in our life just to "heal" us. Whoever we meet is there to help us grow. They arrive intending to provide you with the life lesson. These healing soulmates show up in one's life with divine timing. They know exactly what we need to learn and how they have to teach us. A healing soulmate exists in your life as long as the purpose aligned, and the lesson is still unlearned.

2. Karmic Soulmates -
We all are bound by the bonds that are beyond our understanding and knowledge. Some people we meet in our life are connected with us through past experiences. These connections are deep and karmic in nature. And these relationships are more often not so painful in nature.  What most people don't know is the fact that karmic soulmates have twinlike a connection. In some cases, they can even feel each other's emotions.

3. Past Life Soulmates -
More often than, might not be the people you meet in this lifetime may be connected with you from a past life. They might have been a lover or soulmate in your past life, and now they are back in this lifetime. You will feel the instant connection, and more often, that relationship is not that easy. You might think that the person you met, you know them for a very long time. This kind of relationship will likely last for a longer time. You will not hide or keep any secret from this type of person. Past life soulmates help us to shape in to being a better human being. 

4. Twin Flames Soulmates -
It is a known fact that twin flames work together to overcome emotional and spiritual barriers. This connection is such that they can talk for hours at a stretch without running out of things to say. From thinking similar to finishing each other sentences, twin flames soulmates do things naturally as a pair. When you meet the twin flames, you usually experience a sense of completeness, that wasn't experienced before.

So after reading this, have a look into your relationship around and find out have you come across anybody who stands in any of the above categories. 😃👍


Tejaswini Sikka

Bangalore, India

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